The aim of our Grand Lodge is to build a multicultural Brotherhood of good men who practice brotherly love and benevolence and who are united in the enhancement of wisdom, high moral values, equality and justice for all persons. To enable us to achieve this aim, we offer an exciting and enlightening Masonic journey to all our members. You will first proceed through the three foundational and indispensable degrees in Craft Freemasonry, being the Apprentice, Fellowcraft and Master Mason, and it is internationally accepted that the highest degree in Freemasonry is that of a Master Mason. There are also two Appendant Masonic Orders which we recommend to all of our members to ensure that you attain as complete an understanding of Freemasonry as possible during your lifetime. These are the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of South Africa and the Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite for South Africa
The Square and Compasses No 133 February 2023- 087 550 2965