Freemasonry has worked for hundreds of years to solve and ease problems in their local communities with the aim of making the world a better place for all mankind.

Today in South Africa we have many problems, but none can be more heart wrenching than children who are not properly fed. The knock-on effects and health issues become a serious problem in society over time. To tackle this problem, we have decided to help by feeding these children who are in need.

Our initial target was to feed 1000 children for 100 days. The need and response have been so large that we have increased this now to 3000 children. Our local lodges have been tasked with identifying orphanages and other informal homes where children are cared for and where there are insufficient resources to care adequately for the nourishment of these children.

We have chosen to distribute an enriched maize porridge produced by CFAM Technologies (Pty) Ltd in 5kg bags. It is a sweet porridge with more nutritional value than ordinary maize and only requires water to be added making it easy for community helpers and caregivers to prepare.

The ease of distribution and the higher than normal nutritional value means that it is possible for us to assist in feeding large numbers of children with at least one high nutritional meal a day.

We’ve just finished our 1st month and have distributed 40 000 meals.

If you would like to assist or know of places in need please contact us using and follow the project on social media as we deliver food across the country. If you wish to make donations for this project we are registered as an 18A Public Benefit Organisation and we will issue you with a Tax-deductible certificate equal to the value of any donation you may make to assist us in our goal of feeding children in need.

Alternatively, click the “Donate Now” button below to donate to this very worthy cause to feed a child in need!


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