Installation of the new Grand Master

On Saturday the 12th of December 2020, the Grand Lodge of South Africa installed a new Grand Master, MW Bro John Smith OSM MSA. It gives us great pleasure to share this auspicious occasion with you via the video, which was live streamed on our YouTube channel.


BEWARE OF SCAMS Please be aware that there are numerous scamsters pretending to be official or regular Masonic organisations. They are advertising easy entry into Freemasonry (and/or the Illuminati) with promises of great riches and business successes. They require the unwary applicant to make significant payments to get his application attended to. It is important […]

Handing Over the Reign

On Saturday the 27th of June 2020, the Grand Master, MW Bro. Dave Duncan OSM announced that due to the constraints of the COVID Pandemic, he is handing over the reign to the Deputy Grand Master and Grand Master Elect, RW Bro. John Smith OSM / MSA, thereby making RW Bro. John Smith the Acting […]

1 Month, 1 Mason – Bro. Denzil McVie

My name is Denzil McVie; I am a father and a proud Freemason. One of the traditions to become a Freemason is to know one and to ask to become one. Unfortunately for me, I did not know any. Fortunately for me, one of the worlds oldest fraternities has kept up with the times we […]

A Grand Lodge of South Africa Mason makes his mark in Africa

Wor. Brother Michael Watkins    (Past Grand Ambassador) lives in Kampala and has for many years administered our Masonic Education Documents by answering requests for Masonic educational articles and forwarding them to Masons and the Profane. Requests for information from Masons North of South Africa are always directed to the relevant authority. Now in his […]

De Goede Hoop Temple – Cape Town

De Goede Hoop Temple – Wisdom, strength and beauty in the heart of Cape Town. Compiled from various sources, including a few editions of the Spring ball Brochure. Please be patient. There are some beautiful pictures that may take some time to load.   Just beyond Stal Plein (an early site of the Dutch East India […]